Monday, September 9, 2013

Golden or Oldies? Pathways - Chapter One

Tonight I started reading Pathways to the Common Core by Calkins, Ehrenworth, and Lehman. I got in late and had decided I would begin tomorrow. I'm glad I didn't wait.

What a fabulous read! In fact, I had to make myself put it down to write this post! I read chapter one and a sneak peak of chapter two - it's that good! The first chapter read like a novel to me because the style is very fluid. I will reread chapter one tomorrow and make notes and add chapter two - a reference for those reading along with me (Thanks, Elisabeth! Christie, I invite you to read along as well).

If you've already read the book, do you read the Common Core State Standards as an old curmudgeon or as if they are golden?


  1. Thanks for this post! I will try to get started with Chapter One tonight. Also looking forward to something new to blog about.... Have you read the statement put out about the CCSS by Rethinking Schools? (

  2. Thanks Tiffany! I'll ask around at my school to see if anyone has a copy I can borrow otherwise ill have to order it. Can't wait!

  3. @Christie Neise

    Yay! I'm excited to have you join in!!!

  4. @Elisabeth

    I haven't read it yet, but I will after writing today's post.

  5. The whole time reading chapter 1 I just kept remembering the you tube video "I choose C" I have you seen it? Anyway I'm with Golden... I concur that the CC is a wake up call for education reform in the U.S. Yes it's not perfect but nothing is, we take the good and the bad and we make it work. Complaining isn't getting us anywhere and these standards aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so lets make the best of it and move our kids!

  6. @Christie Neise

    I've seen the video! It was both funny and sad. I believe the CCSS aren't the problem. I read them as though they are golden. With a little tweaking, they could be platinum. My latest post will explain what I actually have a problem with.
