Sunday, September 8, 2013

Teachers as Researchers

I consider myself to be a Teacher-Researcher. Over the years, I've read innumerable professional books, white papers, essays, articles, blogs, and the like and watched countless hours of videos of best and next practices, different teaching methods, and commentary from both sides of the education (read: public school) reform.

The newest additions to my professional collection are Pathways to the Common Core and Connecting Comprehension and Technology, both are written by teams of phenomenal educators, some of whom are very well-known.

Tomorrow, II will begin reading both and will share what I'm learning, questioning, and challenged by. Also, I'll report my experiences here when I have opportunities to practice strategies I pick up. If you would like to read along with me, let me know!


P.S. This is the second time I've written this post. >=^(  I forgot to save the draft the first time. =^{

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany, I've been planning to read Pathways to the Common Core for ages now and just haven't picked it up. I'll find it on my shelves today and join you in your reading.
