Thursday, September 19, 2013

#EdCampJxnMS, Ya'll!

Once upon a time, we had an annual music festival in my hometown of Jackson, MS, called Jubilee!JAM. The catch phrase for the festival was, "Jam, Y'all! Today I did a Google Hangout (GHO) for the planning of what is to become Mississippi's first EdCamp - EdCampJxnMS. Since we're still in the planning phases and recruiting planners, I can't help but think, #EdCampJxnMS, Y'all!

For the uninitiated, EdCamp's are a type of unconference for Teacher Professional Development. The schedule is created the day of the event, by the participants, and based on interest. The buy-in is immediate because everyone learns about what truly interests them. There are no "presenters" like in traditional workshops or conferences, only facilitators. I have only participated in one EdCamp so far - EdCampHome, a completely online endeavor done via Google Hangouts. There is also an upcoming EdCampOnline that I've registered for as well.

EdCampJxnMS will be my first face-to-face EdCamp experience, and I'm really excited about the learning that will take place on that day! We will be spreading the word in #MSedchat and at the MECA Conference.


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