Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Risk-Taking and Failure

I took a class in college, probably the best of all of them, in which the professor encouraged free writing. This was a process that at first proved difficult for me until I learned the importance of the "free"dom in that style of writing. 

I had never allowed myself to take many risks in writing, or in anything else, prior to then. Risk-taking might have resulted in failure and the perfectionist personality I had could not bear the thought. Failure was NOT an option. I grew up in a household where a grade of 97 on a report card resulted in a question - "What happened to the other 3 points?" This didn't elicit much risk-taking.

Caution: Tense Shift Ahead (You've been warned!)

Fast forward to today. My PLN and I encourage risk-taking and FAILs (First Attempts in Learning) in each other. What a paradigm shift! I hope that I can continue in this mindset and encourage the same in my colleagues and students.

If we aren't failing, are we really trying? Are those successes or (non-fails) meaningful? How much more would the eventual (maybe) success mean to us if it followed after multiple unsuccessful attempts? If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Right?

Grit, determination, and perseverance are three words currently causing a buzz in education circles now. They are not new. My high school AP English teacher called it stick-to-it-iveness. I didn't have it then, but I sure do now!

I encourage you to fail - gloriously, early, and often! Who knows what you'll learn along the way?

P.S. Thank you, Dr. Kristen Tegtmeier Ortel, for encouraging me to take risks! It has changed my life!

P.P.S. Mrs. Nancy Graham-Taylor, you taught me lots of vocabulary and even more about literature and composition. I value the life lessons most of all. You are the reason I am an educator!


  1. Tiffany,
    Thank you for sharing this. I love this:
    "I encourage you to fail - gloriously, early, and often! Who knows what you'll learn along the way?"
    I will take this with me.

  2. Can't wait to share this post with my Methods class tomorrow. We have been talking a lot about failure and why we have to embrace failing. This is such a timely post for us! Thank you!

    1. Wow! Thanks, Elisabeth! Let me know what your students think. Or, better yet, have them comment and let me know!
