Monday, September 2, 2013

So, I’ve joined a blog-a-day challenge...

In an effort to make writing more a part of my daily life, I have joined a challenge with other awesome educators via my Twitter PLN. I have tossed around the idea of blogging quite a bit; dipped my toe in the water once or twice; and even publicly admonished myself for not blogging more. I know I have lots to say - my problem is mostly finding the time to say it within my busy day. That's no excuse for not sharing my thoughts, commenting on the the thoughts and opinions of others, questioning, collaborating, and venting.
Posts may not always be grammatically correct or typo-free, but that isn't really the purpose of writing. My goal for this blog is not that it will be a bastion of profundity (although I may occasionally have posts that gain traction). I want this blog to make writing more habitual for me, so that if and when I do have a profound thought, it is captured somewhere. I want to have a record of my thoughts so when I want to be reflective, I don't have to chase down the myriad notebooks strewn about that currently house my thinking.
So thanks to my fellow #EdBDaily challengers. Game on! Post 1/infinity is here.


  1. I'm joining the challenge for similar reasons. I did a 5x/wk blogging challenge in June and found it much easier to think of things to write when I was in the regular habit of writing. (I also cheated one day a week with a cat photo!) I want to be more consistent with my writing, and I often find that my good intentions go nowhere unless I join a challenge and work with others who can motivate me.

  2. I love the photo idea. I will be extremely busy in the next few weeks and may have lots of photo essays forthcoming. =^)
